What a way to start off the first quarter of 2020. Villeside Customs would like to announce the shop is currently shut down and we are working remotely. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone has had no choice but to panic in different stages, whether about employment, finances or their future. We’ve lost many to COVID, R.I.P. to any and all friends, family, and loved ones lost to the virus. It has been quite the lesson on the effects of the Coronavirus, and sadly some of us are still learning. We’ve also heard several stories about how the virus has come about, some uncanny and others hilarious. BTW, anyone got toilet paper? Small businesses have taken a hit. Yet, we at Villeside Customs are still hopeful that we will get through this together. We appreciate your patience during the adversity and wish all of our supporters a safe and healthy quarantine. We look forward to getting back up and running once we are all safe.
Best Regards,
Villeside Customs